The benefits of being physically active have been widely publicised, and as employers we have the opportunity to encourage employees to increase the amount of physical activity they do.

Healthier, happier employees can lead to reduced sickness, increased productivity and higher morale.


This standard focuses on many aspects of physical activity in the workplace including:-
  • Physical activity is promoted in the workplace, including information on the benefits of physical activity
  • The employer offers opportunities to be active , avoid sedentary behaviours and take regular breaks.
  • The employer actively promotes local opportunities for physical activity and non-sedentary behaviours
  • Opportunities for physical activity and non-sedentary behaviour are sustained by the organisation and embedded in its culture

There are 3 levels of award to apply for:

There is a natural progression and so you’ll start at Level 1, and once completed you can move on to Level 2, and then Level 3 on each of the eight standards.